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Best Event Management Platform for the Fintech Industry in 2022

Event Management Platform for the Fintech Industry

Best Event Management Platform for the Fintech Industry in 2022

When it comes to events, technology adoption was slower in the Financial Technology industry (“fintech”). However, as the scope of finance becomes increasingly global, the financial services industry is able to gain relatively large advantages through creating bespoke event management platforms. Fintech has witnessed an increase in worldwide products and services, and creating virtual/hybrid events would considerably benefit a company’s global marketing efforts.

Event management platforms for the fintech industry have opened up new possibilities with the newest event technology, allowing financial services institutions that were ahead in the virtual arena to make even more improvements in their event programs, by adding more virtual/hybrid events as part of their complete event program.

Need of Event Management Platforms for the Fintech Industry

Event management platforms offer numerous advantages including increased productivity, an immersive event experience, enhanced brand awareness, etc. They also allow participants to connect regardless of where they are or from whatever time zone. Let’s take a deeper look at how Eventdex’s event management platform might help financial companies overcome their challenges.

Data Privacy & Security

Cybersecurity is not a new idea in any industry, but with the outbreak of the pandemic and an increase in cyberattacks, strict data privacy and protection measures have become more critical. According to research, 82% of financial services firms believe that future in-person events will feature more strong digital components.

As events are becoming more virtual, there is an increase in the amount of data collected and, as a result, possible privacy risks. To prepare for this upcoming transition, fintech industries must cooperate closely with their IT departments. 

The event management team assesses every cybersecurity issue along the road for data protection when fintech companies incorporate event management software into their event management strategy.

The Eventdex virtual event platform maintains a strick adherence to data security. The data management is integrated with software and their customer support team is ready to help clients.

Finding the perfect mix of event formats

In today’s environment, there are three major event models: virtual events, in-person events, and hybrid events. Fintech Event planners are striving to determine the right mix of formats that could benefit from the various event management software as they make their way through the epidemic.

In the past two years, Fintech has used virtual events to reach out to new, niche audiences that were previously untouched due to their remote locations. As in-person events become more common, using a hybrid event style is one approach to keep virtual audiences engaged alongside in-person participants.

Across all event types and platforms, event planners must work smartly to ensure that the attendee experience is uniform and engaging. Eventdex‘s event management platform offers a solution for all event formats.


In the Fintech industry, there is an increasing demand for operations that are smoother, more accurate, and transparent across the panel. Eventdex is an event management platform that eases the process of planning, organizing, and monitoring events such as conferences, trade shows, and customer communities while also providing visibility and control over logistics, budgets, and regulatory compliance.

Why Eventdex

We realize that managing participants, particularly in the Fintech business, can be a difficult job if you don’t have the right tools. That’s why our all-in-one event management platform for the Fintech industry provides the tools and assistance needed to make your events a success and leave a lasting impression.

Mobile Event App

Nothing makes more sense than delivering the event experience right in the hands of the consumer through a mobile event app. It gives attendees the freedom and flexibility they need to measure their experience remotely to streamline their event communications.

Lead Retrieval App

Using our trade show lead retrieval software, one may obtain real-time information on event activities, including lead stages, lead classification, and more. Generate High-Quality Leads and Boost your profile in the Fintech Industry with Eventdex’s lead retrieval app.

Poster Walk

Poster walk allows presenters to maximize the attendee engagement and share valuable insights with virtual visitors. Eventdex’s ePoster walk feature transforms traditional poster presentations often seen at live events. It aims to make content sharing easier and more engaging.

Virtual Trade Show

With a virtual trade show, you can demonstrate to buyers from all around the world your latest and greatest products. Within Eventdex’s virtual event platform, you can share product specifications and brochures, and even host sales call.

Event Gamification

Gamification in finance is becoming increasingly popular as a means of providing attendees with a highly engaging and immersive experience. Event Gamification is utilized in various sectors, but it is most commonly used in fintech to give attendees a next-level, non-stereotype and exciting customer experience in which they experience every stage of the process in a gamified fashion. Improves attendant performance and reduces checkout times with Eventdex’s Event gamification feature

To Conclude

Since we now live in a digital world, there is a risk of information being dispersed. The financial industry requires a great deal of data analysis and other numerical features. Through integrated modules and API interfaces, a perfect event management platform may help alleviate a lot of this pain by bringing all of the features together in one location. This simplifies the event planning process, saves time, enhances reporting, and increases return on investment.

Streamline the event management process in the fintech industry with Eventdex’s event management platform. Learn more about the platform http://eventdex.com/event-management-software-features/
