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Eventdex wins Investor Award at latest TechLaunch pitch competition

Eventdex Wins Investor Award at TechLaunch Pitch Competition

Eventdex, a Morganville-based event management software company, took the top prize at TechLaunch‘s latest pitch competition, BullPen #23, on Thursday.

Up until the winner was named, it was anybody’s guess as to who would emerge victorious. Three equally deserving and engaging presentations made the judges’ selection all the more difficult.

With a razor-close margin, Eventdex came out on top, to the great satisfaction of both founder and CEO Durga Mikkilineni and TechLaunch senior mentor Robin Bear, who helped him prepare for BullPen. With its virtual, hybrid and on-site event management platform combining web and native mobile apps, Eventdex is a leader in business matchmaking software for diversity events with intelligent AI matching.

Judges on hand for the event included: George Abraham, CEO of Inkbench, and founder and managing director of Rhodium Analytics; Jason Frasca, professor at Montclair State University, and co-founder and innovation strategist at Emergent Future Labs; Meg Columbia-Walsh, a tech entrepreneur and founder of digital health agency and commercial health site CBSHealthwatch; and Mukesh Patel, founder of JuiceTank and the director of innovation at Rutgers University, leading entrepreneurial studies.

The BullPen Investor Award carries with it $15,000 of in-kind services from TechLaunch’s event sponsors, which include Gibbons Law; Withum; Gearhart Law; and Casabona Ventures; pitching slots at Jumpstart NJ Angel Network and Tech Council Ventures; and guaranteed media exposure.

The two other well-qualified companies that competed included BettorFantasy, the first betting platform dedicated to combining the fast-growing worlds of fantasy sports & sports betting; and Proximity Technology, a leading specialist in domain (or proximity) authentication and automation solutions for public- and private-sector organizations.