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Mobile Apps For Meetings And Its Business Value

Mobile event app

Mobile Apps For Meetings And Its Business Value

We have seen several discussion forums of late, where people have argued about choosing the best mobile apps for events and trade-shows. So here’s the big thing called EVENT APPS. Most of the features that vendors stress on talk about are event check-in apps, lead retrieval and majorly onsite/online event registration applications.

While these are all key ingredients to a good platter, something else known as ‘business matchmaking‘, can strongly enhance the flavor of the Event Management solution as a whole.

So what is this matchmaking app supposed to do?
How would it help the event meetings and what eventually can be the business value?

To answer this let us understand the objective of a good business networking app. An online networking app (such as Matchleads), allows the buyers and sellers to schedule one-on-one meetings to identify potential business opportunities.

Using such a powerful tool one can generate leads that are more focused and more meaningful for their business. Some of the key features that you should mandatorily find in a good meeting app are-

  • Manage One-on-One Meetings
  • Open, Closed and Semi-Open Match Maker events
  • Schedule, Accept, Reject, Manage and Reschedule Appointments
  • Manage Tables/Booths
  • Add Comments and Notes to Appointments
  • Custom field level settings
  • Upload Pictures, Video and Marketing Material
  • Export, Print Buyer and Seller Schedules along with profiles
  • Surveys, Analytics, Demographics and Nested Q&A
  • Admin, Buyer and Seller Portals with DashboardsSocial Networking
Who can find this most useful?

Diversity Organizations, Govt. Organizations and Corporations can use this tool to set up business matchmaking events. Event Producers can connect buyers and sellers at events

Does it add value to business?

Of course! Such an app effectively connects prime contractors, corporate, buyers with small contractors, small businesses and sellers. Using this business matchmaking product the purchasing managers can even define their profile, procurement needs and attach a RFP document whereas the suppliers can list their products, services business description, certifications, revenues, D&B ratings, NAICS codes and attach brochures. It also lets the users accept, reject or reschedule appointments at events through their mobile phones.

How to get started?

If you do not wish to miss out any opportunities at your future events/conference/tradeshow, you may start by clicking here

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