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Category: Social Media

virtual Event Gamification

Boost Your Event Engagement With Virtual Event Gamification

Boost Your Event Engagement With Virtual Event Gamification As organizers adapt to the reality of virtual events, many are pivoting towards event gamification app or platform to boost attendee engagement. Event gamification is a fun way to engage participants and influence their behavior through friendly competitions that incentivize the actions

Social Media Marketing

Top Social Media Marketing Trends to Rule Event Industry in 2021

Top Social Media Marketing Trends to Rule Event Industry in 2021 Social Media plays an important role in the event industry in several ways like driving traffic, increasing revenue and to generate curiosity in the audiences. A quantum of traffic to event registration and ticketing platforms arrives from social media

social wall for events

7 Ways to Use Social Media to Promote Your Event

7 Ways to Use Social Media to Promote Your Event Planning a trade show or other event can be stressful. The months of research and the expense involved make it critical that you attract the right number of attendees and exhibitors, and your event needs to be successful for everyone.

Event planning app

Why is Social Media One of the Best Ways to Promote Your Event?

Why is Social Media One of the Best Ways to Promote Your Event? First question is why not? In a world where globalization has become the first and last thing, engulfing your private and professional life, Social Media is one of the easiest and most affordable ways of promoting your