How to Clone event with Scan Attendee Feature?

Please follow the below steps to set up the Event.

Scan Attendee Ticket: This ticket is only for Event admins, and it allows them to scan the users.

Attendee Ticket: This ticket is for adding and importing attendees.

Step 1: How to Clone Event?

Clone Event: Watch the video provided to clone the event.

Please watch the below video to clone the event:


Step 2: Modify the cloned event.

Once you clone the event please increase the Scan attendee and Attendee ticket quantity. By default, it will be zero.


Step 3: Import Attendees

How to Import the Attendee List?

Step 4: Assign ScanAttendee tickets for scanning and session tracking

How to Assign Sessions to Scan Attendee App users?

Step 5: Design a Badge

Badge Settings – How to use Badge Tool?

Step 6: Print badges

Follow the below instructions provided on the ScanAttendee App to scan badges, check-in attendees, and print badges.

ScanAttendee App Instructions


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