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Metaverse Events: Immersive experience for event attendees


Metaverse Events: Immersive experience for event attendees

Event attendees require more than the standard agenda in the upcoming years. They are increasingly anticipating an experience that will inspire and enlighten them. This new standard provides a fantastic chance for companies to examine the interests and lifestyles of their target audiences.

Keeping the status quo in terms of entertainment will serve you well for a time, but eventually, your attendees will begin to seek something that will challenge and excite them.

How is Immersive Technology captivating the Event Industry?

The immersive experience is gaining popularity as a result of its tremendous attraction to the customer base, particularly desirable millennials who have been educated to anticipate connectedness wherever they look. 

The trends of augmented, virtual, and mixed reality, which are collectively known as an immersive experience, are likely to take flight in the future of events. Whether you’re making a VR game or holding an event, creating an experience that truly immerses your audience is difficult. This generation of virtual event-goers would like to get into their own Avatar and be active participants in the immersive experience of the event. For a spectacular event, a rethink of traditional performances with out-of-the-box thinking will be required. They anticipate an enlightening and inspiring encounter.

Modern immersive marketing technology today offers a greater range of appealing, realistic, and reasonably priced solutions that provide deeper and more realistic experiences to people of all ages.

Here’s a rundown of some of today’s most popular immersive marketing technologies, as well as how they might be used during live virtual events:

3D Mapping: The Wow factor

3D mapping projections make use different surfaces for illumination and projection of 3D images. Smart event organizers are projecting 3D visuals on building facades, water, and other surfaces. They provide the opportunity to have a large-scale, dramatic effect at lower prices than ever before due to their size and breadth. Until recently, 3D mapping projection campaigns were usually around 5-10 minutes long. Some 3D mapping efforts, like dynamic wallpaper, now run for a whole day or week.

As a result, many event planners and marketers have struggled to convince decision-makers of the technology’s benefits and worth. Those ready to pioneer this excellent technology, however, have a lot of potential.

Augmented Reality (AR) 

Event attendees may get a taste of your brand’s value through augmented reality. Augmented Reality has become a major industry for a variety of events. In recent years, augmented reality has taken the globe by storm. For example, augmented reality has enabled apps like Pokemon GO to achieve amazing popularity, surpassing Twitter in terms of daily active users. With the release of Pokemon GO, AR applications were able to launch their first genuine commercial into the lives of millions of people. And its success has the potential to have far-reaching consequences for major events. The success of augmented reality isn’t going away; in fact, it’s spreading into AR gear, allowing event planners to create themed activities.

Ambient Interactivity (AI)

Another strong combination is created when physical and digital experiences are combined to generate ambient interaction, a new type of immersive technology. Interactive forms incorporated into or embedded inside physical settings, such as interactive tables, windows, and walls, are examples of ambient interactivity. These formats allow for more natural, user-friendly engagement, which is ideal for event promotion.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality is becoming increasingly popular across the world. Over the years, it has expanded its scope to include different events as well as the business world. Despite the high cost of deployment, VR may be utilized to create new worlds for its users.

Events, travel, and music are among the industries that are significantly utilizing this deeper immersive interaction approach to better engage their audience since it is greatly beyond the limitations of augmented intelligence and allows users to remotely access events via their headsets and obtain first row seats.

VR is unrivaled by any other technology in terms of creating an immersive experience and gaining acceptance with event organizers.

Metaverse Technology Reshaping the Future of Event Networking

Hybrid events and virtual office spaces are the future of successful business and networking in today’s business world. Much of this is due to the fact that a growing number of industry specialists are beginning to provide their services remotely.

By now, you’ve probably heard the favorite buzzword “metaverse” bandied about all over the internet. Even Facebook changed its name to Meta to show that it wants to be a part of the metaverse as well. Every corporation, from Microsoft to Nvidia, is now in the metaverse business, and innumerable people have become metaverse specialists overnight.

What is Metaverse?

The metaverse is an embodied internet: It is a virtual reality experience that allows you to feel as though you’re at the event rather than just watching it on your computer. While wearing virtual reality (VR) goggles, you will be able to see altogether different environments in high definition, 3D, and 360 degrees. Wearing haptic gloves also allows you to engage with other attendees’ avatars (virtual selves) and your surroundings.

To put it another way, a metaverse makes extensive use of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology, usually in conjunction with blockchain technology, to ease the adoption of NFTs. 

Roblox and Insomniac, for example, have banded together to bring EDC Las Vegas, one of the world’s largest music festivals, to the metaverse which allows players an opportunity to play an array of mini-games. Joining the World Party experience will enter attendees to win real and virtual prizes

Almost every kid these days are used to playing video games in their metaverse and a new world like that can be created for the event industry. Having the same vision of this type of Immersive experience for the event industry can take creativity and inspiration to new heights. 

You may start using NFTs with QR codes at your events through downloads, discounts, redeeming personalized goodies, and gamification features, regardless of your understanding of cryptocurrency. Creators can typically choose the NFT marketplace for event tickets depending on whether or not that marketplace supports a certain NFT token standard.

Looking ahead from where NFTs started, it’s clear that they’ll soon be ingrained in live, virtual, and hybrid events.

How Metaverse benefits Event Industry

The pandemic has permanently altered the way we attend meetings and conferences. Previously, virtual events were the exception. Only 45 % have attended a virtual event before the outbreak; today % have. Over 90% of event planners expect to have more virtual events in 2022 as a result of this trend.

If you appreciate the ease of online meetings and virtual events, meta technology is the next big thing in the future of events. Here are some of the benefits of the metaverse over online events and virtual meetings:

An immense number of Attendee

You can have an unlimited number of attendees at a metaverse event. DECENTRALAND a digital-world platform, for example, is going to organize the festival in the future year, which will draw thousands of metaverse and will be considerably larger than their last one, which was a major success, with 50,000 virtual guests who claimed 11,204 unique non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

While present technology does not allow for millions of people to view and engage with one another in the same virtual area at the same time, participants were able to see and interact with each other in groups of 50. Given the benefits of the metaverse for such events, upcoming festivals, such as Decentraland, will be performed more often in the metaverse.

Limitless Environmental Structure

The ability to construct any environment is one of the advantages for event and conference planners. Physical construction expenses, physics, or building rules have no bearing on the metaverse. You may hold conferences with an infinite number of rooms and meeting locations so that people can attend events or engage with coworkers. You may hold your event aboard a pirate ship if you desire a pirate theme. You may even choose to have your event on the moon.

Scope of Monetization

The monetization of events is one of the most enticing parts of the industry. More money-making possibilities are available in virtual environments. Video game developers have made money for years by letting people enhance their virtual experience. Artists and designers can create their own event locations and environments in metaverse right now and start selling them. You can get VIP access at events, just like you can at physical world conferences. You may also provide individuals the option of upgrading how they interact with the environment and how they seem in it, as well as allowing them to shop for items (which can then be delivered physically to their homes).

No more Counterfeit Tickets

Some of the most serious concerns impacting the sports business are counterfeit tickets and merchandise. Blockchain is proving to be the ideal solution for addressing such difficulties without any difficulty. Blockchain technology’s immutability aids in the prevention of counterfeit items and tickets. 

The event industry can also benefit from NFT since there have been several instances where event tickets have been sold out in the secondary market, known as ‘Black Market’.  Ticket scalpers acquire large numbers of tickets with the sole intent of reselling them for a substantial profit over the original purchase price. 

Allowing ticketing platforms with NFT can help eliminate the need for a physical ticket and connects users directly to its Ethereum-based NFT ticketing platform and marketplace.


In the events industry, this is an exciting moment. All of these kinds of experiences will improve Immersive experience tactics in the event sector, and they will soon become less of a novelty. It will also play a bigger part in wider brand marketing activities.

It’s apparent that immersive technology will play a big role in popularising them, whether it takes one or many decades to build.

Imagine the day when you can own an NFT for an event you attended and trade and generate revenue out of it or keep that piece of the event forever as an owner. Stay tuned to learn how to make new opportunities in the metaverse.

The term “metaverse” was used by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash, which depicted individuals interacting in a virtual realm through their avatars. To be more exact, the term Meta comes from Greek and means “beyond” or “across.” The metaverse is a virtual universe in which objects can appear as vibrant and alive as they do in real life.

Metaverse is a virtual environment that incorporates characteristics of social networking, online gaming, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and cryptocurrency. To improve the user experience, augmented reality adds visual components, music, and other sensory input onto real-world situations. The imaginary reality, on the other hand, is wholly virtual and enriches fictitious realities. 

The phrase “metaverse” appears to be all over the place. Roblox, a popular gaming platform, describes the metaverse as a place where “people may join together within millions of 3D experiences to study, work, play, create, and interact.”

If you are planning to host a day long conference or more with the ambition to create a customized experience for attendees to participate in networking, attend multiple sessions, chat, and exchange business cards, visit trade show floor, setup 1 on 1 appointments, have video calls, then you need to select a virtual conference software that has all the features with the right price and great support options.

Facebook has chosen to take the next step in the ever-expanding Internet world by launching the ‘metaverse,’ which aims to push virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to new heights. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently announced that his company’s name will be changed to Meta Platforms Inc., or Meta for short, as a key step in the new path.

Buying non-fungible tokens are the greatest method to invest in crypto in the metaverse (NFTs). Graphic arts, audio, or video snippets are common NFTs that allow investors to hold a virtualized asset on the blockchain.

You’ll be able to reach the metaverse from full virtual reality (VR). Future augmented reality (AR) wearables will also be able to access it. As a result, glasses like the ones you and I are wearing now will be able to overlay virtual data on the actual environment.

In a nutshell, the Metaverse is a parallel virtual realm on the Internet. It is a hypothetical idea that combines elements of social media, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), online gaming, and cryptocurrency. Minecraft, Fortnite, and Roblox are just a few of the online game platforms that have Metaverse. Because a group of people get together and communicate in a virtual environment, even programs like Microsoft Teams or Zoom may be considered a sort of Metaverse.

Immersive technology combines virtual content with the actual world in a way that allows the user to interact with the mixed reality in a natural way. In an immersive experience, the user accepts virtual parts of their surroundings as part of the whole, possibly losing sight of the fact that they are not real.

An “immersive experience” immerses a person in a new or augmented reality, using technology to improve everyday life (by making it more interesting or rewarding). They frequently combine one or more technologies.

It is a computer-generated 3D environment that alters users’ perceptions of reality. Users’ perceptions of physical reality fluctuate depending on the degree of immersion.

It is a digital asset that depicts real-world elements like art, music, in-game goods, and films are known as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT). They’re bought and traded online, often using cryptocurrency, and they’re usually encoded with the same software as many other cryptos.
