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Automated Virtual B2B MatchMaking Meetings with Single Video Room


Automated Virtual B2B Matchmaking Meetings With Single Video Room


Eventdex’s virtual single video room is a super simple way to connect to different meetings at once in a single room. It does not require time settings rather it automatically picks up the upcoming meetings without any assistance or leaving the room. 

Single Video Room 

Eventdex offers a single video room where you may have multiple meetings at the same time. It not only saves time and effort but also gives participants more time to explore opportunities and simplify the meeting experience.

AI-powered Matchmaking

With Eventdex’s AI-powered matching, attendees and sponsors may meet individuals who share their interests. 

Ease of platform

The virtual video room on Eventdex allows many widgets to be shown on the same screen. These widgets are flexible and may be used right away.

Automated Meeting Notifications

Attendees are notified automatically when a new meeting is scheduled. It also informs the event organizer in the case of a no-show or a cancellation. These automated reminders give you three minutes and then notify you if the other party does not show up.


Virtual Video Room Benefits

Quick and Easy

To strengthen networks, a virtual video room allows facilitating discussion with your audience.


Meetings are easily scheduled with several widgets shown on the screen. These widgets are flexible and adaptable.

Saves time & effort

Meeting scheduling is easy and takes only a few seconds. Relax and enjoy the convenience of having all of your meetings in a single video room.

Contact Us & Reach

Discover how Eventdex can amplify your success and help you surpass your event goals. Reach out to us directly at sales@eventdex.com or fill out our Contact form - we're excited to start transforming your event experience!


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