Buyer & Seller – Count of Appointments

How to view different Buyers/Sellers Count of Appointments?

Event Admin can view different Buyers/Sellers total count of Appointments: Accepted, Pending, Cancelled or Blocked from the portal. Please follow the given steps to get the result.

Step 1. Eventdex Portal >> Log in by entering your credentials >> Select the desired Event
Step 2. Click on “Matchleads” tab >> Reports >> Count of Appointments

Step 3. Select the preferred optionĀ from the ticket Dropdown. ie Matchleads Buyer, Matchleads Seller etc.
Here, you will get the result of all sellers, buyers total count of Accepted, Pending, Cancelled and Blocked Appointments.

How to download the Seller / Buyer Count of Appointment Report?

Step 1. Eventdex Portal >> Log in by entering your credentials >> Select the desired Event
Step 2. Click on “Matchleads” tab >> Reports >> Count of Appointments

Step 3. Select the records which you want to download.
Step 4. Click on the “Export” tab given in the top right corner of the screen and select the CSV / XLS format in which you want to download the report.

Step 5. The data is available to you in the selected format that can be saved into your system, easily.



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