What is Event Type?

Matchleads presents you with four types of matchmaking, they are

Open : The system automatically accepts appointment requests sent by Buyers and Sellers and schedules the meeting. One can Schedule/Reschedule/Cancel the appointment, anytime.

Semi-Open : Buyers will approve or reject the appointment request sent by the Sellers. Sellers would need to request an appointment with Buyers and they will approve or reject it.

Closed : Buyers are allowed to make appointments with Sellers. (Sellers can reschedule or cancel the appointment).

Custom : Event Admin has full access to customize the appointments between Buyers & Sellers.


Event Admin can set the desired Event Type for its matchmaking event by following the given steps:

Step 1. Eventdex Portal >> Login by entering your credentials >> Click on the Your Event

Step 2. Click on “Matchleads” tab and then click on the “Setup” tab from its accordion menu.

Step 3. Click on “Profile Settings” and enable your desired Matchmaking “Event Type”.

Step 4. Click on “Save” tab to confirm the entry or click on “Cancel” to exit the page.




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