How “ Only apply promo code when it meets buy quantity” checkbox will work ?

Step 1: Create a Basic Promo, give all the Required fields and select the tickets(Ticket_1), The Discount value for selected Tickets is 10% and Buy Ticket quantity is 2 with Checked ”Only Apply promo code when it’s meet buy quantity ”.

ph1Step 2:  In Registration page the Promo will applies multiples of the “Buy Ticket Quantity

  • If purchasing of two tickets (Ticket_1) will get 10% OFF of the Ticket_1.registrationph1


  • If purchasing of three tickets (Ticket_1) will get 10% OFF of the Ticket_1.registrationph2
  • If purchasing of four tickets (Ticket_1) will get 20% OFF of the Ticket_1.registration-formph3

Step 3:  Create a Basic Promo, give all the Required fields and select the tickets(Ticket_1), The Discount value for selected Tickets is 10% and Buy Ticket quantity is 2 with Unchecked ”Only Apply promo code when it’s meet buy quantity ”.


Step 4: In Registration page the Promo will applies each and every selected quantity of tickets.

  • If purchasing of two tickets (Ticket_1) will get 20% OFF of the Ticket_1.uncheckr1
  • If purchasing of three tickets (Ticket_1) will get 30% OFF of the Ticket_1.unchekr2


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